Check out this cutie pie! I'm pretty sure he will never forget his senior photo shoot. I've been meaning to write about it because I laugh when I think about it. Let's just say it involved fire alarms and a sherriff but of no fault of ours! LOL . So what happened? Well, we headed out to this cool old power plant in New Braunfels. They recently filmed the Walking Dead there. It was super cool until we started to smell smoke. fire alarms begin to sound off and then you see the mass exiting of people heading out of the building. We weren't sure if it was for we paused the photo session and began to prepare for if we needed to leave. The the loud speakers in the building began to ask everyone to leave. No, it wasn't a drill, it was real. I would never put a client in danger so I asked the mom to please check out what was happening in case we needed to pack up. OMG. But just as soon as all of the potential panic was setting in we found out it was all okay and under control. My client didn't miss a beat and this sweetheart did fabulous in front of the camera!! We then headed out to Canyon Lake. If you haven't seen the Overlook park area, it's lovely but just as we geared up and trekked all the way down the hill to the water we had an encounter. The Sherriff was evacuating the beach area and started to yell at us in his mega phone to leave (from the top of the dam). Mind you, I was carrying a 50 pound camera bag, light stands, light modifier and reflectors. Well, the sherriff persisted so I grabbed a quick few shots with natural light as I hid behind a tree. Yes, I did. So we turned around and carried everything back up the steep hill. I was out of breath and the Sherriff pulls up his car and begins to yell at me "What are you doing? " I walked up to his window and explained we were just trying to get a sunset shot of my high school senior client. He immediately felt bad. Turns out that at a distance he thought we were carrying a tent and BBQ grill. YES, he did. He thought my camera bag was a tent and that we were setting up camp for the night! My giant beauty dish I could see looking like a weber grill from a distance. We got a good laugh out of it all and he tried to help me with other locations I might go to where they don't close gates at sunset. The sunset shot was done in rapid, warp speed but wow did it turn out awesome. So, we actually took another trip out to the lake ...same sherriff there....and got some cool shots a little earlier before the park closing and he allowed us to do finish up that time! Turned out it all worked out! ;) Phew ~