This beautiful girl is full of sparkle and sunshine. We began her session in West Austin at a retail shopping center where we got GREAT images but it was thwarted when we left her first location and there was a bad car accident on the road enroute to our second location. Road shut down. Life Flight in the middle of the highway along with several law enforcement cars, EMS and fire trucks. Well, we decided to map a detour. I'll leave out all the little crazy details....but we ended up in a baseball field with a locked gate is the short of it along with several other cars who had the same brilliant idea. We knew the sun was setting and we didn't have much time so my client's mom decided to ask a gentleman working at the fields if he happend to have a key to unlock the gate so we could get out to the road we needed in order to bypass the traffic accident. At first he said "yes, I have the key and no I won't open the gate." Well, after begging and pleading our case he finally agreed. He literally SAVED our session. We made it to location two a little late but we made it! Huge shout out to the kind stranger who saved us from sitting on the highway for no telling how long,. We said a prayer for those involved in the accident and a prayer of thanks to the kind man who helped us! What an adventure!