This past June I was lucky enough to travel with a fabulous family to their "second" home of Belgium. With my older son in tow as my assistant and carrier of all things photography gear related, we trekked across parts of Europe! :) It was nothing short of fantastic. We had 3 sessions in Belgium from the farm, to the city of Bruges and then also to the incredible Muziekbos forest. The family trains cyclists (with sights on being pro) in Belgium so every summer they live in Kerkem and have a house full of athletes who are in training and participate in races around the area. Needless to say, my eyes were opened up into not only another part of the world but also into a sport I was unfamiliar with. We attended a few races and got to really see an exiting glimpse into their world. But, Belgium for a photographer is complete eye candy. Everywhere we went, there was either lovely scenery or incredible architecture. My hope is her senior pictures will always be a super special memory and she looks back onto all the photographic adventures we had in a place that is close to her (and her family's) hearts!